270. Subject as hereinafter provided, the rules in this section shall regulate the procedure with regard to the payment of pensions from the treasuries of this State, provided that,—
(1) in the case of pensions debitable to the Central Revenues, the rules in the Central Treasury Rules shall be followed;
(2) Nothing contained in these rules shall be taken as affecting the provisions of the Indian Pensions Act (Act XXIII of 1871) or any of the Rules made thereunder and the provisions of the Kerala Service Rules or any other rules or departmental regulations issued by the Government prescribing the procedure for payment of any pension payable by or out of the general revenues of the Government;
(3) Nothing contained in these rules shall apply to the payment of allowances to the members of the Ruling Family of Travancore and of the Ruling Family of Cochin or to the Payment of Jenmibhogam, Karathilchilavu, Arthapalisa, etc., in so far as they are repugnant to the special rules given in Appendices 14 to 16.
(4) Nothing contained in this rule shall be taken as affecting the procedure and conditions prescribed in special orders issued by the Government from time to time for payment of pension by authorized Public Sector Banks on behalf of the Government, payable out of the Consolidated Fund of the State.
271. In this section except where it is expressly otherwise provided or the context otherwise requires.—
“Service pension” means a pension payable to, or in respect of a person in consideration of past employment under the Government of India of any of the States and includes a gratuity or family pension so payable.”Political pension” means a pension, not being a service pension granted or customarily payable to or in respect of a person on political consideration or compassionate grounds, or in consideration of distinguished or meritorious services, or of the surrender of rights of emoluments and includes assignment or compensations when payable in the form of fixed allowances or grants.
𝗤293..A pension payable for past employment under Central or State Governments, is called:
(A) Service Pension
(B) Political pension
(C) Family pension
(D) Invalid pension
ANSWER:-(A) Service Pension
𝗤294..Service pension includes:
(A) Freedom fighters pension
(B) Family pension
(C) Death cum retirement Gratuity
(D) Both (B) and (c)
ANSWER:-(D) Both (B) and (c)
𝗤295..What pension is given in consideration of past service under the Government of India State?
(A) Compassionate pension
(B) Political pension
(C) Military pension
(D) Service pensions
ANSWER:-(D) Service pensions
𝗤296..A pension granted in consideration of past employment under government of India or any other state:
(A) Political pension
(B) Compassionate pension
(C) Service pension
(D) Compassionate allowance
𝗤297... …………………….is a pension payable under meritorious service
(A) Political pension
(B) Service pension
(C) Statutory pension
(D) None
A. Pension Payment Orders
272.(a) All Service Pensions and Service Family Pensions debitable to the consolidated fund of the State shall become due for payment from the first day of the month to which the pension relates. All other pensions shall be paid from the first working day after the month succeeding to which they relate
𝗤298..All service pensions and service family pensions debitable to the consolidated fund of the state shall be due for payment from the ___________ day of the month in which the pension returns.
A:-First day
B:-Any day of first week
C:-Last day of the month
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-First day
𝗤299.Pension payment order is issued by:
(A) Treasury Officer
(B) Head of Department
(C) Accountant General
(D) Head of Office
ANSWER:-(C) Accountant General
𝗤300.Pension payment order in Rule
A:-274 KTC Vol. 1
B:-273 KTC Vol. 1
C:-272 KTC Vol. 1
D:-275 KTC Vol. 1
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-272 KTC Vol. 1
𝗤301.Pension is payable from the .......... day of the month for which it is due:
(A) last day
(B) 1st day
(C)3 day
(D) 2 day
𝗤302.The pension payment order is an order issued by :
(A) Accountant general
(B) District officer
(C) Treasury officer
(D) Head of department
(aa) Except in the case of military pensions which are payable on pension certificate or other authorities, issued by the Controller of Defence Accounts and pension, or unless the Government order otherwise in the case of any particular class of pensions, payment of pensions can be made only upon pension payment orders issued by an Accountant-General. Each Pension Payment order will be in two halves of which one, known as the disburser’s half will be kept in the treasury at which payment is to be made and the other delivered to the pensioner in person when he appears to receive payment of his pension for the first time.
𝗤303.Who will issue the pension payment order?
(A) Treasury Officer
(B) Director of Treasuries
(C) Accountant General
(D) None of these
Answer:- (C) Accountant General
𝗤304.Each Pension Payment order is in two halves. One is known as the disburser's half and the other half is of the :
(A) Account General
(B) Pensioner
(C) Treasury Officer
(D) None of these
Correct Answer:- Option: (B) Pensioner
𝗤305.Pension payment order is issued by:
(A) Finance Department
(B) Head of Department
(C) Director of Treasuries
(D) Accountant General
ANSWER:-(D) Accountant General
NOTE 1.—*n cases where pension is drawn through authorised agents (who have indemnified Government against overpayments) personal appearance of the Pensioner is not necessary even on the first occasion.
NOTE 2.—Pension to State Government Pensioners and All India Service Pensioners who retired from a post under the State Government and pensions to those who were borne on the State Cadre and retired from posts under the State Government are also payable through authorized Public Sector Banks.
NOTE 3.—A Register in Form 83 (a) should be maintained in Treasuries for noting the details of pensions transferred to Public Sector Banks.
In the case of all pensioners whose pensions are paid from the Consolidated Fund of the State and whose pensions are payable by money order the pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order need not be handed over to the pensioner.
(b) In issuing a Pension Payment Order, the Accountant General will—
(i) attach to each half of the order a specimen signature of the pensioner if he can sign his name and thumb and finger impressions of the left hand of the pensioner, if he cannot sign his name or where this is not possible due to physical incapacity, the thumb and finger impressions of his right hand, failing which his toe impressions the specimen signature or thumb, finger or toe impressions being duly attested by the head of office concerned or by some other responsible person; and
(ii) paste a certified copy of the pensioner’s photograph in passport size on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order provided that this requirement (pasting of a photograph) will not apply to Indian women who do not appear in public, European women, persons who hold Government titles, persons who are in receipt of family pensions under the wound extraordinary pension rules or to any other person specially exempted by the Government from the operation of this rule.

𝗤306.A certified copy of the pensioner's photograph in passport size should be pasted on the disburser's half of the pension payment order. This will not apply to:
(A) an Indian woman who do not appear in public
(B) an European woman
(C) persons who hold government titles
(D) all of the above
NOTE 1.—A pensioner shall be required to pay for the photographs required for this purpose.
NOTE 2.—The photographs should be renewed whenever the disbursing officer considers it necessary. The cost of the renewal should also be met by the pensioner.
(c) A pensioner drawing pension direct from the treasury shall produce his half of the Pension Payment Order before the disbursing officer whenever he claims payment of his pension, and no payment shall be made if he fails to produce it.
(d) In commutation cases, the Accountant General shall issue the authority for payment of the commuted value of the portion of pension commuted, along with a communication, intimating the date of commutation and the reduced amount of pension to be payable with effect from the date of commutation. The reduced rate of pension payable after commutation and the date from which it is payable shall be noted in both halves of the Pension Payment Order by the Disbursing Officer under his attestation, quoting Accountant General’s letter as authority, under intimation to the Accountant General. After the commuted money is paid, the voucher for the commuted value shall be sent to the Accountant General in a separate schedule. Payments of pension from the date of commutation shall be made at the reduced rates, based on the amended Pension Payment Order.

𝗤307. In the case of money order pension............ PPO will be kept by the Treasury Officer
(A) one copy
(B) one half
(C) both halves
(D) 3 copies
𝗤308.Who shall issue the authority for payment of the commuted value of the portion of pension commuted along with a communication?
A:-Treasury officer
B:-Head of office
C:-The Accountant General
D:-None of these
In case where an anticipatory pension payment order has been issued by the Accountant General, the final pension, when intimated by the Accountant General, shall be noted in both halves of the Pension Payment Order by the Disbursing Officer under his attestation, quoting Accountant General’s letter as authority. An intimation to this effect shall be sent to the Accountant General simultaneously. Future payments shall be made to the pensioner at the revised rates, based on the amended pension payment order. The voucher for the first payment of the final pension shall also be sent to the Accountant General in a separate schedule.
Whenever there is an occasion for revision of pension, the Accountant General shall issue only an amendment letter to the Disbursing Officer for making necessary amendments on both halves of the Pension Payment Order under his attestation and effect payments thereof.
**The Treasury Officers shall make payment of Dearness Relief to Pensioners on receipt of the orders from the Government without specific authorization from the Accountant General. In regard to payment of Dearness Relief to Pensioners drawing pension outside the State issuance of special seal authorization by the Accountant General shall continue.
𝗤309.Anticipatory pension order is issued by
A:-Head of department
B:-Finance department
C:-Director of treasuries
D:-The Accountant General
(e) The payment in rupees of pensions fixed in sterling or any other external currency shall be regulated by such general or special instructions as may be issued by the Government in this behalf. In issuing Pension Payment Orders for such pensions, the Accountant General shall either mention the exact amount to be paid in rupees or indicate the rate at which the amount stated in sterling or any other external currency shall be paid.
(f) The disburser’s halves of the Pension Payment Orders should be filed in serial order in separate files, one for each class of pensions. The Disbursing Officer should keep the files locked up and should keep the key always in his personal custody and see that no one has any access to the files except under his authority and supervision and on his responsibility.
𝗤310.Who is the authority for issuing pension payment orders?
(A) Finance Secretary
(B) Accountant General
(C) District Treasury Officer
(D) Department Head
ANSWER:-(B) Accountant General
𝗤311.Payment of pension can be made from treasury only upon the orders issued by:
(A) The Director of Treasuries
(B) The Finance Department
(C) The Head of Department
(D) The Accountant General
ANSWER:-(D) The Accountant General
B. Register of Pension Payment Orders
273. (a) Service pensions paid at a district treasury.—
The Treasury Officer should keep a register in Form T.R. 80 of the Pension Payment Orders issued on his treasury. This register will serve as an index to the files of Pension Payment Orders referred to in Rule 272 (f) above. Whenever a new order is received, the Treasury Officer should see that it is correctly entered in this register with a red ink line ruled across the page below the entry, and should then write his initials against the entry in the column headed “Name of pensioner”. The column headed “Remarks” should be left blank so long as the Pension Payment order is in force. When both halves of the order are returned to the Accountant General on account of the pensioner’s death or are sent out of the office as a result of an application for transfer of payment out of the district, the order should be removed permanently from the register and the file; the Treasury Officer should have the date and reason for sending away both halves of the order entered at once in the column headed “Remarks” and initial the entry.
(b) On receipt of an intimation about the death of a pensioner, prompt action should be taken to record the fact in the register referred to in clause (a) above and on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order.
In the case of pensioners whose pensions are paid by money order under the provisions of Rule 286 the necessary note should be made on both halves of the Pension Payment Order.
(c) Service pensions paid at a sub treasury.—The registers should be maintained at a sub treasury in the same manner as at a district treasury -See clause (a) above.
(d) Political pensions.—The provisions of clauses (a) and (b) above should be followed, mutatis mutandis in regard to political pensions also. There should be a separate register for political pensions.
𝗤311.Pension payment order in rule:
(A) 275 KTC Vol.I
(B) 274 KTC Vol.I
(C)273 KTC Vol.I
(D) 271 KTC Vol.I
C. General Rules of Payment
274. (a) As a rule, a pensioner shall take payment of his pension in person and the Disbursing Officer shall identify him with reference to the details available in the Pension Payment Order before making any payment. When claiming his pension for the first time, a pensioner shall also be required to produce his copy of the letter of the Accountant General forwarding his Pension Payment Order to the Treasury Officer.
Whenever a pensioner appears to take payment of his pension the Disbursing Officer shall check his personal marks with those recorded on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order and compare his signature on the receipt with that pasted on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order. If a pensioner cannot sign his name, the Disbursing Officer shall compare his thumb-great-toe impression on the receipt with the original thumb-great¬toe impression previously taken on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order.
(b) Pensions payable at a treasury which transacts its cash business through the Bank shall be actually disbursed at the Bank or at the treasury in accordance with the general or special orders of the Government applicable to each case -See also note under Rule 230 above. When such a pension is to be disbursed at the Bank, the officer-in-charge of the treasury shall be the Disbursing Officer for the purpose of these rules except in regard to the actual disbursement of cash on the bill passed for payment by him.

𝗤312.After the receipt of the PPO in the Treasury, the concerned pensioner is to be identified for the first time by the Treasury Officer:
(A) with the details available in the PPO
(B) from the personal marks with those recorded in the
disbursers half of the PPO
(C) with the photo affixed in the PPO
(D) with the copy of the letter of the AG forwarding PPO to the Treasury Officer and all the points mentioned above
ANSWER:-(D) with the copy of the letter of the AG forwarding PPO to the Treasury Officer and all the points mentioned above
275. (a) Pensioners specially exempted from personal appearance by the Government (See Rule 126, Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition), women who are not accustomed to appear in public and pensioners who produce satisfactory evidence that they are unable to appear because of bodily illness or infirmity, need not appear at the treasury in person to claim payment of their pensions.
(b) The pension due to any pensioner belonging to one of the classes mentioned in clause (a) may be disbursed to a messenger who presents the pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order along with (1) a proper bill signed and receipted by the pensioner and bearing an endorsement also duly signed by him authorizing payment to such messenger and (2) a life certificate in respect of the pensioner signed by a responsible officer of the Government or some other well known trustworthy person (Vide note to Rule 126 of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition).
𝗤313.Pension due to a pensioner can be disbursed to a messenger:
(A) If the pensioner authorises the messenger to receive the pension
(B) If the messenger produces the life certificate of the pensioner
(C)If the messenger produces a bill signed and receipted by the pensioner
(D) If the messenger produces all the three above
ANSWER:-(D) If the messenger produces all the three above
276. The pension due to any pensioner may be disbursed to a messenger who presents the pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order along with (1) a proper bill signed and receipted by the pensioner and bearing an endorsement also duly signed by him authorizing payment to such messenger, and (2) a life certificate in respect of the pensioner signed by any of the person mentioned in Rule 126 of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition.
𝗤314.A pensioner who claims pension through a messenger should furnish a life certificate in the pension bill
A:-Rule 280 of KTC Vol I
B:-Rule 167 of KTC Vol I
C:-Rule 286 of KTC Vol I
D:-Rule 276 of KTC Vol I
Correct Answer:- Option- D:-Rule 276 of KTC Vol I
277. A disbursing officer shall not pay a pension for any month to a messenger under Rule 275 or 276 if the date of the life certificate is earlier than the *date on which it is due for payment of that month. He shall also invariably take the signature of the messenger in whose favour the pensioner has endorsed the bill in token of the receipt of the amount specified in it. When the messenger is illiterate, his signature shall be taken in the form of his thumb impression, duly attested by a witness. The disbursing officer is personally responsible for any payment wrongly made. Whenever he feels a doubt as to the proper course of action he should consult the Accountant General.
278. (a) A pensioner of any description who is resident in India may claim and draw his pension admissible to him by giving a legally valid power of attorney in favour of another person in India. A pensioner desiring to receive his pension through another person to whom he has given a valid power of attorney should endorse a copy of the deed conferring the power of attorney to his disbursing officer and the audit officer. The person holding the power of attorney will then prepare and present the bills, making a claim on behalf of the pensioner and receive the payment on his (the person holding the power of attorney) giving the quittance. If the person holding the power of attorney is an agent (including a bank) who has also executed an indemnity bond agreeing to refund over payments, he can draw the pension for a period of not more than a year after the date of the life certificate furnished by him in respect of the pensioner in accordance with the provision of Rule 167. If, however, the person holding the power of attorney is not an agent (including a bank) who has executed a bond to refund over payments, he will either receive the payment in person from the disbursing officer after giving his quittance, or if he desires to draw the pension through an agent or representative nominated by him, he may receive payment through him but in either case of receiving payment in person or through an agent or representative he will append to the bills for pension for each month a life certificate in respect of the pensioner duly signed by any of the authorities stated in Rule 167 ibid and also furnish certificate signed by the pensioner required under the provisions of Rule 283 *below.
When a pensioner draws his pension through an agent who is authorised to do so by conferring on him a power of attorney, and who has executed a bond of indemnity under Rule 167 ibid (e.g. a scheduled bank) the certificate regarding re employment and acceptance of commercial employment, modified suitably can be signed by the agent and the pensioner himself should furnish once a year, a certificate concerning the period for which the pension has been drawn on the basis of the agent’s certificate.
The pension disbursing officer shall maintain a register of power of attorney in the form prescribed in the Government Securities Manual and all cases in which the power of attorney has been granted shall be recorded therein.
(b) A pensioner not resident in India may, with the permission of the (Reserve Bank of India, draw his pension in India through a duly authorised agent, possessing a legally valid power of attorney, who must produce a life certificate as referred to in Rule 129 of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition on each occasion, unless the duly authorised agent has executed an indemnity bond to refund overpayments, in which case he has to produce the life certificate as aforesaid at least once a year.
When a pension is drawn from a treasury outside the state and the procedure duly authorised for that treasury differs from thaprescribed above, the procedure authorised for that treasury shall be followed.
Explanation.—The agent should have adequate financial stability capable of safeguarding the interests of Government. NOTE—In cases where the life certificate is furnished annually the Treasury Officer will require the Bank/Agent to furnish the life certificates of the pensioners whose pensions are drawn through them, in a separate statement either to be attached to the bills for pension for December drawn in January or to be furnished in January. He will note the date of the certificate in the disbursing officer’s half of the Pension Payment Order and file the certificate in a separate file in chronological order.
279. Leper pensioners.—
A leper pensioner shall ordinarily appear before the disbursing officer to claim his pension without preparing a bill. The disbursing officer shall then direct one of his clerks or assistants to fill up a pension bill form on behalf of the pensioner. Payment shall be made at once to the pensioner on this bill, and the disbursing officer shall mark the bill by means of a stamp as having been paid in his presence and record the fact of payment in both halves of the Pension Payment Order under his initials. Both halves of the Pension Payment Order shall be retained in the treasury in these cases.
When a leper pensioner is unable to appear before the disbursing officer due to bodily infirmity, he shall send a life certificate under Rule 275 but not a bill. The disbursing officer shall prepare the bill and remit the pension, irrespective of any money limit, by postal money order.

𝗤315.Payment of pension to a leper unable to appear in person before the treasury officer can be received by :
(A) Sending the beneficiary's guardian to receive the pension
(B) By sending bill to the treasury officer then the treasury pays the pension
(C) By sending life certificate to the treasury officer and the treasury officer prepares the bill and the amount sends to the person by money order
(D) In this case pension lapses and he can apply for revalidation of the pension
𝗤316.What is the procedure prescribed when a leper pensioner is unable to appear before the treasury officer due to bodily intimity? (for drawing pension)
(A) He shall send a bill to him claiming pension (Treasury officer)
(B) He shall send a life certificate prescribed under the rules based on which the Treasury Officer shall prepare the bill and remit the pension by Postal Money Order (Irrespective any money limit)
(C) He should request the Treasury Officer to draw his pension and remit it to him
(D) He may collect his pension through his duly authorised messenger
280. (a) The disbursing officer shall take adequate precaution to prevent the payment of any fraudulent claims, on account of the pension of a pensioner who does not appear in person to take payment. When a pensioner draws his pension in accordance with the provisions of Rules 275, 276 or 279 the disbursing officer shall require proof of his continued existence; independent of that furnished by the life certificate in the monthly pension bill to be furnished at least once a year. For this purpose he shall require each such pensioner either to attend in person at the treasury for due identification at least once a year or to produce an annual life certificate from persons other than those who usually furnish life certificate for receiving monthly pension. The annual life certificate from any Gazetted Officer, Village Officer, Sub Registrar, Sub Inspector of Police and the Executive Officer of the Panchayat wherein the pensioner resides, with the respective office seal affixed to the certificate shall be accepted by the Treasury Officers as independent proof of the existence of the pensioner. The annual life certificate shall be issued by the officers concerned in the following form:—
“I….…………………………………..(name and address) hereby certify that Sri/Smt…..………………………….holder of P.P.O.No…………………………for `…………whose signature thumb/great-toe¬impression is given below is alive on this date and that I have not issued any life certificate to this pensioner during the last twelve months.
Signature (with date) (Office seal) Designation ........................................
Such annual certificate shall be produced in the month of December every year, failing which the payment of pension for * January, as also the pensions for subsequent months shall be held up until the certificate is received.
The Treasury Officer shall also send through the messenger receiving payment of pension for November a call in Form T.R. 84 or T.R. 85 for the purpose.
𝗤317..Service pensioner should be mustered once in:
(A) a year
(B) three years
(C) two years
(D) five years
ANSWER:-(A) a year
𝗤318..A life certificate is insisted once in:
(A) 1 year
(B) 2 years
(C) 3 years
(D) 6 months
ANSWER:- (A) 1 year
𝗤319.The periodical verification of the existence of a pensioner is called:
(A) Mustering
(B) Ensuring
(C) Confirming
(D) Existing
ANSWER:-(A) Mustering
(b) The Treasury Officer shall see that the Sub Treasury Officers furnish certificates showing that they have obtained at least once a year the necessary independent proof of the continued existence, etc., of pensioners exempted from personal appearance whose pensions are paid at the sub treasuries.
(c) A pensioner of rank may be identified privately by the disbursing officer and need not be required to appear at a public office.
(d) The disbursing officer shall take special care in regard to the payment of the pension of any woman not accustomed to appear in public, since such payments involve a special risk of fraud. No payment shall be made except on a life certificate as prescribed in Rule 275 (b), which shall be attested on each occasion, as an additional precaution, by two or more respectable persons of the pensioner’s town or village. The disbursing officer shall also arrange to have every such pensioner examined at least once a year by two non-pardah female pensioners who shall check her personal marks with these recorded on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order, and shall compare her signature, or if she is illiterate her thumb/great-toe-impression or the receipt with that already taken on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order. These examination shall be conducted as far as possible without any extra expenditure by the Government. Extra expenditure may be incurred in special cases when it is unavoidable.
(e) The disbursing officer, may at his discretion and for reason to be recorded privately identify and verify the continued existence of a pensioner, and dispense with his personal appearance prescribed in this rule but this power shall be exercised only in special cases such as of those who held high office before retirement.
𝗤320. Annual Life Certificate will be insisted from the pensioner who receive onthly pension through an agent or bank who executed Indemnity Bond as per rule
(A) 280 of KTC Vol. 1
(B) 276 of KTC Vol.1
(C) 286 of KTC Vol.1
(D) 167 of KTC Vol.1
281. (a) The pensioner’s receipt for each payment shall be taken on a separate bill in Form “T.R. 81”, “T. R. 81-A” or “T.R. 81-B”, as the case may be, and attached to the respective schedule of payments of pensions of each kind.
𝗤321. The pensioner's bill is prepared in:
(A) TR51
(B) TR61
(C) TR 72
(D) TR 81
Correct Answer:- Option:(D) TR 81
(b) Every payment of a pension shall be entered on the reverse of both halves of the Pension Payment Order and attested by the initial of the disbursing officer.
(c) When the pension of a government servant who was transferred to the service of the Reserve Bank of India is paid at a treasury, the disbursing officer shall take the pensioner’s receipt for each payment in the special receipt form prescribed for the purpose. The Reserve Bank will supply the copies of this form required by the treasury on receipt of a requisition from the Treasury Officer.
282. When a pension is debitable partly to a local fund and partly to state Revenues, the amount debitable to a local fund in any bill and the name of that local fund shall be separately enfaced on the bill in red ink, and the amount shall be debited in the first instance to a suspense head. The suspense head shall be cleared by monthly recoveries from the local funds concerned.
283. [Omitted]
284. (a) When a pension is granted on condition that it shall be paid only so long as a specified event other than the pensioner’s debt has not taken place, no payment shall be made unless the pensioner furnishes a certificate in the form given in the bill for pension [Form T.R. 81 A] that event has not taken place.
(b) A person whose pension is terminable on marriage or remarriage or on attaining majority shall furnish a declaration in the form given in the bill for pension ‘Form T.R. 81 A’ for the month of December every year that the specified event has not taken place till the last date for which pension is claimed in the bill.
(bb) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub rule (a) or sub rule (b), in the case of payment of Family Pension to a widow it shall be sufficient if she gives an undertaking that she would report to the pension disbursing officer, the event of her remarriage.
NOTE—In cases where a declaration under this sub rule is required be furnished in the bill for pension for December the certificate referred to in sub rule (a) above need not be furnished in the bill for that month.
(c) Every pension disbursing officer, shall, in the month of January, submit to the Accountant General a statement showing particulars and date of last payment of pensions in respect of the cases of failure to furnish the declaration mentioned in sub rule (b) above.
𝗤322. .Every pension disbursing officer shall in the month of _________ submit to the accountant general a statement showing particulars and date of last payment of pensions in respect of the cases of failures to furnish the declaration.
Explanation.—If the pension is payable to a minor child through his/ her guardian, the certificate mentioned in sub rule (a) and/ or the declaration mentioned in sub rule (b) should be furnished by the guardian to whom the pension is to be disbursed. In such case the wording of the certificate/ declaration in Form T.R. 81 A may be modified suitably.
(d) A father/mother of a deceased government employee in receipt of family pension should attach in the following form an annual certificate form the Tahsildar or a Gazetted Officer of the locality to the bill for pension, presented after one year of drawal of pension.
“On conducting proper enquiries I hereby certify that the financial position of Sri/Smt………………………….………….(Name and address)……….…………… father/mother of …………………… (H.E. name and designation of the deceased officer) to whom a family pension of `………………. a month has been sanctioned in G.O. No……. dated ………….. has not improved and that he/she is eligible to get the family pension for another year from ………………… (H.E. the date ………………………)
Date…………………. Signature and designation”
285. The pension of an insane person may be paid to a guardian appointed under the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 (India Act IV of 1912) or to any person authorised by the Government (or the authority which sanctioned the pension) to receive it. Such guardian or person shall be required to furnish with each claim a life certificate as prescribed in Rule 275 (b) stating that the pensioner was alive *on the first day of the month for which the pension is claimed.
𝗤323. .The pension of an insane pensioner may be paid to .............under Indian Lunacy Act, 1912
(A) Wife
(B) Father
(C) Guardian
(D) Mother .
𝗤324. . Mustering in Rule:
(A) 286 KTC Vol.1
(B) 287 of KTC Vol.1
(C) 288 KTC Vol.1
(D) 285 of KTC Vol.1
286. * The pension paid from the consolidated fund of the State shall, at the option of the pensioner, be sent to him/her by postal money order at Government cost, except for the first time. The payment of pension for the first time should be made to the pensioner on his appearing at the treasury. The disbursing officer shall observe the following rules in regard to the payments of subsequent pensions by money orders.
𝗤325. From which one of the following, pension is paid
A:-Contingency fund
B:-Consolidated fund
C:-Municipal fund
D:-None of these
𝗤325. Pension through postal money order at:
(A) Government cost
(B) Pensioner's cost
(C) Treasury cost
(D) Postal department cost
(i) The disbursing officer shall identify the pensioner when he appears to receive payment for the first time in the manner prescribed in Rule 274 (a) and record the correct address of the pensioner with the name of the post office on the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order and instruct the pensioner to communicate any change in his address. The pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order will be made available to the pensioner for his scrutiny, if necessary and received back and kept under safe custody in the treasury.
NOTE 1.—In the case of pensioners who are already drawing their pensions otherwise and who wish to avail themselves of the facility of pension payment by money order may surrender the pensioners half of the pension payment order in person at the treasury and get an acknowledgment from the Treasury Officer.
NOTE 2.—Those pensioners who find it easier and convenient to get their pension direct may, however, be allowed to do so.
NOTE 3.— The first sentence in the opening paragraph shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 1st day of November, 1978.
(ii) The necessary entries shall then be made in the ‘Register of pensions payable by money order’ in Form T.R. 82 and both halves of the Pension Payment Order shall be filed in a separate file headed ‘Pension Payable by Money Order’.
(iii) The Treasury Officers should arrange for the money order forms being written up sufficiently early, and presented to the Post Office from **10th of the month onwards. When the number of money order forms to be booked in Post Offices is very large, the Treasury Officers should contact the Post Masters concerned and decide how many filled-up forms should be presented on each day. The presentation of the forms should be completed however, by the last working day of the month to which the pension relates. The forms for a day will be arranged to be delivered in a lot to the Post Office in a cover addressed to the Post Master. The forms from a treasury should be presented to the same Post Office on all occasions to facilitate future references, if any, required. Normally the forms should be presented at the Post Office nearest to the treasury where the routine transactions of the treasury are carried out. But in cases where the nearest Post Office may not be having enough number of hands to handle the money order forms in bulk, another convenient Post Office with the concurrence of the Postal Department may be fixed for the purpose. He should see that the words “Pension money order not to be paid before the 1st of ……..” (Here enter the name of the month of disbursement) are inscribed on the top of each money order form presented in advance by a rubber stamp.
(iv) †Whenever a pension is to be sent by money order at the cost of the State Government, the relevant service head may be debited with the amount of pension and transfer credited to the Money Order Personal Deposit Account in the name of Treasury Officer. The Money Order Commission due thereon shall be debited under the head of account 2071 and simultaneously transfer credited to Money Order Personal Deposit Account. In respect of Pension other than State Pension sent at the cost of the Government or authority to whom such pensions relate, the Money Order Commission as well as the amount payable to the pensioners shall be debited to the concerned Government (Central, Inter-State-Suspense, Tamil nadu etc.) and transfer credited to the Money Order Personal Deposit Account. In respect of pensions of other Governments paid at the cost of pensioners, the net amount due to the pensioner after debiting Money Order Commission as well as the amount of Commission shall be debited to the concerned Government and transfer credited to the Money Order Personal Deposit Account. The Money Order Forms in such cases shall be prepared only for the net amount due to the pensioners. The Money Order forms duly prepared along with a covering schedule and a Personal Deposit Cheque drawn by the Treasury Officer in favour of the concerned Post Master for the total amount due, inclusive of Commission as per the schedule may be tendered at the Post Office. ‡The Money Orders returned unpaid should be credited under Revenue Deposits except in the case of Central and other State Pensions. The unpaid Central Money Order Pensions should be credited back to Central Government as minus debit (R.O.P.) under the Major Head “2071-Pensions and other Retirement Benefits in the Central Section of Accounts of the Treasury after noting sufficient, details in the Pension Payment Order concerned. Similarly, the unpaid Money Order Pensions in respect of other State Government should be credited back to the Inter State Suspense Account of the State concerned.
(v) Separate pension bills need not be prepared for each pensioner. The payments shall be shown in a separate schedule in Form T.R. 83. The total amounts of the payments shown in the schedule shall be written both in figures and in words. The disbursing officer shall satisfy himself that all the amounts shown as paid in the schedule have actually been remitted by money order and certify accordingly on it. The disbursing officer shall write his pay order on the schedule; it shall then be stamped “Paid by transfer” and forwarded to the Accountant General or the Treasury Officer as the case may be, with the corresponding list of payments as a voucher supporting the debit in the treasury accounts.
(vi) The disbursing officer shall also see that the payees’ money order receipts are duly received for all the remittances shown in the register. He shall compare the signature (or thumb impression) on each such receipt every month with the pensioners’ signature (or thumb impression) on the Pension Payment Order and satisfy himself that it is genuine. The receipts shall then be filed in the treasury. In the next month’s schedule of pension payments the disbursing officer shall certify as follows:—
“I certify that I have satisfied myself that all pension payments shown in the schedule for the previous month have been paid to the proper persons and that I have obtained the payee’s money order receipts in support of all these payments and filed them in my office.”
(vii) The disbursing officer shall satisfy himself once in three years about the continued existence of the pensioner either by personal appearance of the pensioner before the disbursing officer or by obtaining a certificate of continued existence of the pensioner, issued by any of the authorities specified in sub-rule (a) of Rule 280, with his office seal affixed on the certificate. #Such life certificate shall be produced in the month of December once in every three years failing which the payment of pension for the month of January , as also the pension for the subsequent months shall be held up until the certificate is received; In token of having satisfied himself of the continued existence of the pensioner, the disbursing officer shall endorse on the schedule of payment for the month of January once in every three years or in respect of pension for ^January paid subsequently against the relevant entry of the schedule of the month concerned, a certificate to the effect that he has satisfied himself that the pensioners were actually alive on the dates on which the pensions were remitted to them. The disbursing officer shall also note the fact of personal mustering or the receipt of life certificate, as the case may be, in both halves of the pension payment order, under his dated signature.

𝗤326. The existence of pensioners who get pension by postal money order is verified by the treasury officer :
(A) Once in every six months
(B) Once in a year
(C) Once in three years
(D) Once in five years
ANSWER:-(C) Once in three years
(viii) The disbursing officer shall obtain from each woman whose pension would terminate on her marriage and whose pension is remitted by money order, an annual declaration in the form prescribed in Rule 284 (b) for the year ending on the 31st December.
(ix) The certificates mentioned in clauses (iii), (vi), (vii) and (viii) shall be given by the Treasury Officer for payments made at the District Treasury. So far as payments made at sub treasuries are concerned the Treasury Officer need only certify that he has received the necessary certificates from the respective Sub Treasury Officers.
(x) Where, owing to old age or infirmity or in consequence of some physical disability, it is not possible for a pensioner to present in person to the Treasury Officer, a declaration electing to have his pension paid by money order the Treasury Officer may accept, instead, a written declaration signed by the pensioner, which is duly verified by a Gazetted Officer, a Magistrate or a Justice of Peace. The Officer verifying declaration shall specify the circumstances in which he holds that it is not possible for the pensioner to present the declaration in person to the Treasury Officer.
(xi) Should the pensioner be physically incapable of signing the declaration, the Treasury Officer may authorize payment to the pensioner on production of a certificate from the Civil Surgeon of the district or a registered medical practitioner to the effect that the pensioner is alive but is unable to sign the required declaration. In such a case, the pension may be paid to the heir, not being a minor, who would receive payment of the arrears of pension in the event of the pensioners death, provided it is certified by the Tahsildar in whose jurisdiction the pensioner lives that the person claiming to be the heir is in fact a heir and continues to be the heir throughout the period for which he draws the pension.
𝗤327. .Form for Register of Pension payable by money order:
(A) TR61
(B) TR68
(C) TR 79
(D) TR82
Correct Answer:- Option-(D)
𝗤328. A cheque received at a treasury should be treated as final payment:
(A) At once
(B) When cheque is passed
(C) When it is drawn
(D) After amount has been actually credited to Government
286 A. [Deleted]
286B 1. The Pensions paid from the Consolidated fund of the State shall, at the option of the pensioner automatically be credited to the Treasury Savings Bank Accounts of the pensioners opened exclusively for crediting pension except for the first time, following the procedure detailed below. The payment of pension for the first time should be made to the pensioner after proper identification in the manner prescribed in rule 274(a).
2. The Pensioner may open Treasury Savings Bank Account exclusively for crediting pension and submit a written request to the pension Disbursing Officer for payment of pension through Treasury Savings Bank, with the pensioners half of the pension payment order and a letter of undertaking in Form T.R.83B. On receipt of the written request of the pensioner the pension disbursing officer, shall make necessary entries in the registers of pension payable through Treasury Saving Bank Account (Form T.R. 82A) furnishing of the details of Pension Payment Orders, Number, Name of the pensioner, amount of Pension and the number of Treasury Savings Bank Account in which the amount shall be credited. In order to distinguish the Pensioner’s Treasury Savings Bank Accounts from other Treasury Savings Bank accounts separate ledger for Pensioners with separate serial number for such Savings Bank Accounts should be maintained. Treasury Savings Bank accounts of pensioners may be distinguished as Pensioner’s Treasury Savings Bank (Pensioners Treasury Savings Bank).
Both halves of the Pension Payment Order shall be filed in a separate file super scribed Pension “Payable through Pensioners Treasury Savings Bank” and the Treasury Savings Bank account should be noted at the top of the front cover of the Pension Payment order, and in the front page of the disburser’s half on the top portion.
3. After 20th of every month a schedule in triplicate in the prescribed form T.R. 83A should be prepared category wise. The amount will be totalled and a transfer pay-in-slip attached for the total amount. Necessary entries regarding the date of Payment (Ist of the next month) should be made in both halves of the Pension Payment order.
4. After the preparation of the pension schedule as above, the pension disbursing officer shall sign the pay order in the original of the schedule for the total amount of each category of pension for transfer credit to each pensioners Treasury Savings Bank account noted in the Schedule and also sign the pay-in-slips attached for the total amount by transfer adjustment.
5. The original, duplicate and triplicate copies of the schedule duly signed by the Pension Disbursing Officer will be handed over to the concerned Savings Bank Section. The Savings Bank Accountant will enter amount of each pensioner in his/her respective Pensioners Treasury Savings Bank account on the basis of the signed schedule. Necessary certificates to the effect that all the amount of pension furnished in the schedule has been credited in the respective Pensioners Treasury Savings Bank account of the pensioners should be signed by the savings Bank Passing Officer on the first working day of every month in the triplicate copy and the same returned to the pension section for record purpose. The Original (Voucher) shall be handed over to the section concerned for incorporation to the Treasury Accounts and the duplicate copy along with the transfer pay-in-slip should be kept by the Savings Bank Accountant.
6. The Disbursing Officer shall satisfy himself once in a year about the continued existence of the pensioner either by personal appearance of the pensioner before the Disbursing Officer or through life certificates. The Disbursing Officer shall also note the fact of personal mustering or the receipt of life certificates as the case may be in both halves of the Pension Payment Order under his dated signature.

𝗤329. .At the end of each financial year each administrator of a personal deposit account should furnish an................to the treasurer.
(A) monthly acceptance certificate
(B) annual acceptance certificate
(C) half yearly acceptance certificate
(D) quarterly acceptance certificate
𝗤330. The disbursing officer shall satisfy himself __________in a year about the continued existence of the pensioner by personal appearance or through life certificate before the disbursing officer:
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
𝗤331. When payment for the pension first time is made, the treasury officer has to..................the pensioner
(A) satisfy
(B) identity
(C) inspect
(D) check
𝗤332. Periodical appearances of pensioners for identification has to be done in:
(A) Every month
(B) Quarterly
(C) Yearly
(D) Half yearly
287. (a) On the first appearance of a pensioner the disbursing officer shall take an impression of the pensioner’s left hand thumb and fingers or where this is not possible due to physical incapacity, right hand thumb and fingers or the impressions of the toe, on the pension bill.
He shall then identify the pensioner with reference to the particulars given in the disburser’s half of the pension payment order and by comparison of the thumb and finger impressions with those pasted on the Pension Payment Order.
Once in the course of every year thereafter, the continued existence of the pensioner shall be ensured by obtaining the above impressions in the pension bill and an annual life certificate as contemplated under sub rule (a) of Rule 280.
(b) A woman who is exempt from personal appearance under Rule 275
(a) because she is not accustomed to appear in public should affix an impression of her left thumb/right thumb/great toe on each bill in the presence of the person who signs the life certificate and the latter should attest it. An illiterate pensioner should similarly affix an impression of his left thumb/right thumb/great toe on each bill in the presence of the person who signs the life certificate, or whom he attends at the paying office in person to receive payment, before the disbursing officer, and the person who signs the life certificate or the disbursing officer, as the case may be, should attest it. In the case of an illiterate pensioner or a woman who is not accustomed to appear in public, quittance by a seal mark attested by some known and respectable person may be accepted in lieu of thumb/great toe impressions.
(c) When a Pension Payment Order is renewed, the original signature of thumb and finger/toe impressions shall be cut off from the old order and attached to the new order.
𝗤333.When pension payment order is renewed the original signature of thumb impression shall be:
(A) cut off from old order
(B) cut off from old order and attached to new order
(C) cut oil from the old order and put signature on the new order
(D) cut off from the old order and put signature on the new order on attestation
(d) If the disbursing officer entertains any doubt as to the identity of any person claiming to be a pensioner who has served in the Police Department, he may require the local Inspector of Police to identify him, and the latter shall then be responsible for the correct identification of the pensioner.
(e) The procedure laid down in sub-rule (vii) of Rule 286 applies mutatis mutandis to pensioners receiving pension direct from the treasury also.
288. (a) In order to ensure that annual mustering/periodical verification of the pensioners has been done, the disbursing officer shall note the date of mustering or the date of the life certificate produced at the space provided for it in both halves of the Pension Payment Order. Similarly he shall write the letter “L.C.” with his initials against each monthly pension payment whenever disbursement is made on the strength of life certificate. He shall also send through the messenger who receives payment of the pension in November a call in Form T.R. 84 or T.R. 85 for the purpose.
In the case of re-employed pensioners it will be sufficient if a certificate from the head of the office or department in which they are re-employed to the effect that the pensioner is re-employed in his office or department is produced before the pension disbursing officers.
(b) When a pensioner draws his pension through an agent who has executed a bond to refund overpayments, the pension shall not be paid on account of a period of more than a year after the date of the life certificate last received. The Accountant General and the disbursing officer shall watch carefully for authentic information of the death of any such pensioner and see that no further payment is made after such information is received.
289. Place of payment:—A pension payable in India may be paid at any treasury in India.
Explanation 1—Treasury in India means any treasury maintained by the Kerala Government, the Government of India or any other State Government.
Explanation 2—Civil Pensions debitable to the Consolidated Fund of the State shall also be paid through Public Sector Banks nominated for the purpose.
𝗤334.As per Rule 289 KTC volume I treasury in India means treasury
(A) Maintained by Kerala government
(B) Maintained by government of India
(C) Maintained by any other state government
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option:(D) All of the above
290. (a) Transfer of service pensions:—
(i) The Accountant General may, on application made by a pensioner, transfer the payment of his pension from any treasury in India to another.
𝗤335.Who is the authority of transfer of pension from one treasury to another?
A:-Director of Treasuries
B:-Finance Department
C:-Director of Pensioners Department
D:-The Accountant General
Correct Answer:- Option-D
(ii)A Treasury Officer may, on application made by a pensioner, transfer the payment of his pension from the district treasury to a sub treasury subordinate to it or vice versa or from one sub treasury to another in the same district. A Treasury Officer may, on application made by a pensioner, also transfer the payment of his pension to another treasury within the State without the intervention of the Accountant General. He shall, however intimate the Accountant General, the details of such transfer as soon as the transfer is effected.

𝗤336..Treasury Officer may on application made by pensioner, transfer the pension to another treasury and intimate to:
(A) Treasury to which pension is transferred
(B) Director of Treasuries
(C) Accountant General
(D) Finance Department
ANSWER:-(C) Accountant General
𝗤337..What is the procedure to be followed when a transfer of payment of pension from one district to another in the State, is to be given effect to?
(A) Both the halves of PPO to be sent to the treasury officer of the new district through the AG
(B) The Treasury Officer shall forward both halves of PPO 1o the Treasury Officer of the new district with information as to the date up to which payment was made in the old district, under intimation to AG
(C) Both halves of the PPO to be sent to the treasury of the new district through the Director (D) None of these
(iii) When a pensioner has applied for transfer of payment of his pension to a treasury outside the State, either to the Accountant General or to the Treasury Officer the Treasury Officer shall, and in cases where the pensioner has so applied to the Accountant General on receipt of an authority from him, forward both halves of the pension payment order to the Accountant General with the application for transfer of pension made by the pensioner. Two slips containing specimen signature or thumb or great toe impression, as the case may be, of the pensioner shall also be sent to the Accountant General along with the pension payment order. The Accountant General will either issue an authority for making payment to the Treasury Officer where the payment is desired by the pensioner, if the latter is situated within his audit circle or move Accountant General of the State in which such treasury is located to arrange for the payment.

𝗤338.What are documents to be sent to AG in a case where a pensioner applies for transfer of payment of his pension from a treasury of the State to a treasury outside the state
(A) Pensioner's half of PPO and Disburser's half of PPO
(B) Both the halves of PPO and application for transfer
(C) Both the halves of PPO along with application for transfer, two slips containing specimen signature or thumb impression of the Pensioner
(D) Application for transfer and identity proof of the pensioner indicating personal marks
(b) Transfer of political pensions:—The Government or the Accountant General may permit the transfer of the payment of a political pension from one treasury in India to another, provided that the Accountant General should, before ordering any transfer of a political pension, obtain the concurrence of the authority empowered to permit a change of residence by the political pensioner.
291. (a) A copy of any order issued by the Government or any subordinate authority under the preceding rule shall be forwarded to the Accountant General.
(b) The following procedure shall be observed in regard to the transfer of payment of a pension from one district to another in the State:—
The Treasury Officer shall forward both halves of the Pension Payment Order to the Treasury Officer of the new district with information as to the date upto which payment was made in the old district, and shall simultaneously forward a copy of the communication to the Accountant General. On receipt of both the halves of the Pension Payment Order, the Treasury Officer-in¬charge of the new district shall note the particulars in his Register of Pension Payment Orders in Form T.R. 80 and arrange for payment of pension.
If at the time of transfer, the Pension Payment Order is renewed an account of the pensioner’s half having been lost, the Treasury Officer of the new district shall be informed of the loss and renewal.
𝗤339.An application of a pensioner to transfer pension from district treasury to sub treasury to be sanctioned by :
(A) Treasury officer
(B) Accountant general
(C) Treasury director
(D) Government
293. (a) The District Treasury Officer is authorised to renew Pension Payment Order without reference to the Accountant General when the entries on the reverse of either the pensioner’s or the disburser’s half are completely filled up or the pensioner’s half is lost, worn or torn. When the renewal is due to the loss of the original Pension Payment Order, the circumstances of its loss should be investigated and a fee of *` 5 should be levied on the pensioner before the duplicate Pension Payment Order is issued, provided that, if the loss of the original Pension Payment Order is due to accident or causes beyond the pensioner’s control, or if the pensioner is too poor to pay the fee the Director of Treasuries may exempt him from payment of the fee. (See also Note under Rule 134, Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition.)
The Old Pension Payment Orders, if available, shall be retained by the disbursing officers for three years and then destroyed.
𝗤340..Who is authorized to renew a PPO without reference to the Accountant general when it is lost, worn or torn? .
(A) District treasury officer
(B) Head of the department of the employee
(C) Finance department
(D) Head of office of each treasury
𝗤341..The old pension payment orders shall be retained by the disbursing officers for __________ years and then destroyed
Correct Answer:- Option-C
𝗤342.. Who is authorised to renew the Pension Payment Order when the entries in the pensioner's or disburser's half are completely filled up?
(A) District Treasury Officer
(B) Director of Treasures
(C) Accountant General
(D) Pension sanctioning authority
NOTE 1—The receipted chalan for the fee realized for renewal of Pension Payment Order should be filed along with the disburser’s half.
NOTE 2—In the case of pensions paid at sub treasuries the Pension Payment Orders shall be returned to the District Treasury for renewal.
Instruction 1—*If a pensioner alleges, loss of his half of the Pension Payment Order, he should make an application with the prescribed fee of † `5 to the officer-in-charge of the District/Sub Treasury from which he is receiving his pension, for a duplicate copy thereof. The Sub Treasury Officer will then forward the application received by him to the District Treasury Officer along with the Treasury half of the Pension Payment Order after duly furnishing his remarks on the application. The District Treasury Officer will then conduct such further enquiries as are deemed necessary on such applications and thereafter, issue a duplicate of the pensioners half, prominently marked ‘Duplicate’ in red ink.
𝗤343.. Who will issue a duplicate PPO if the disburser's half is lost?
(A) District treasury officer
(B) Treasury director
(C) Head of the department
(D) Accountant general
𝗤344...Who is the competent authority to issue a new Pension Payment Order in the place of the disburser's half of the PPO reported to have been lost at a sub treasury?
(A) District Treasury Officer, without any penalty
(B) Director of Treasures
(C) Dist. Treasury Officer after levying penalty prescribed on the person responsible for the loss
(D) AG who will issue a PPO prominently marking "Duplicate" in red ink on receipt of a request and report on the loss, from the DTO
Instruction 2—If the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order which should be kept under the safe custody of the Treasury Officer is missing, the District Treasury Officer/Sub Treasury Officer should institute a thorough search to trace out the Pension Payment Order. If after such thorough search, the Treasury Officer is satisfied that the disburser’s half of the Pension Payment Order is irrecoverably lost, the matter should be reported to the Accountant General, through the District Treasury Officer in case of Sub Treasury. The District Treasury Officer should send the report to the Accountant General detailing the circumstances in which the disburser’s half was lost and request the Accountant General to issue a duplicate. The Accountant General will then arrange for the issue of a duplicate prominently marked “Duplicate” in red ink. Simultaneously, with the sending of the report to the Accountant General, the District Treasury Officer should fix up the responsibility for the loss and also stop payment of the pension on the Pension Payment Order till the disburser’s half is received in the treasury. The penalty of †`5 should be recovered from the person responsible for the loss. Instances of such losses should be reported to the Director of Treasuries also.
(b) When a Treasury Officer has issued a new Pension Payment Order in place of a lost one, he shall, by strict observance of Rule 281 (b), see that no payment is made on the Pension Payment Order alleged to have been lost.
A. Service Pensions
294. (a) If a pension payable in India remains undrawn for more than one year, the pension shall cease to be payable (Rule 135, Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition).
𝗤345...Pension will be lapsed if it is undrawn for more than
A:-1 year
B:-2 years
C:-3 years
D:-5 years
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-1 year
𝗤346...Pension ceases to be payable if remains undrawn for more than:
(A) 1 year
(B) 3 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 2 years
ANSWER:-(B) 3 years
(b) If the pensioner afterwards appears, the disbursing officer may renew his payments. He shall not, however, pay the arrears without the orders of the Accountant General and, if the pension in arrears is to be paid or the first time or if the amount of the arrears exceeds ` 5,000, without obtaining through the Accountant General the previous sanction of the Government (Rule 136, Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition). If, however the Accountant General considers that the suspension of payment was due to error or neglect on the part of any public officer, he may direct that the arrears be paid without the orders of the Government. (Rule 137, Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition).
295. (a) A pension chargeable under the head ”2071 Pension and Other Retirement Benefits” not drawn for three years shall cease to be payable without the previous sanction of the Accountant General.
𝗤347..A service pension ceases to be payable if it remains undrawn for:
(A) 1 year
(B) 2 years
(C) 3 years
(D) 6 years.
ANSWER:-(C) 3 years
𝗤348..Pension shall cease to be payable if undrawn for more than:
(A) Two years
(B) Three years
C) One year
(D) Five years
(b) The arrears of pension due on account of a deceased pensioner shall cease to be payable if they are not claimed within one year of the pensioner’s death. It cannot be paid thereafter without the sanction of the authority by whom the pension was sanctioned to be obtained through the Accountant General (See also Rule 138, Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition).
Provided that in cases where the pensioner’s nominee/nominees or heir/heirs apply for payment of any arrears of pension consequent on any Government orders for revision of pension for dearness allowance, such arrears may, subject to the rules relating to such arrear payments, be paid in case the applications were preferred before the disbursing officer within a period of three years from the date of issue of such orders. Reference to the Accountant General or the pension sanctioning authority shall not be required in such cases.
𝗤349..Life time arrears of pension due to a service pensioner will be paid the nominee if the apply with in ..............years of death
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 1
(c) The Treasury or Sub Treasury Officer shall examine the files of Pension Payment Orders carefully every month and remove all the Pension Payment Orders relating to cases of the kinds mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) above. He shall return the disburser’s halves the Pension Payment Orders concerned to the Accountant General with a half yearly statement of such cases. The statement shall be prepared in two parts; the first part should show the names of all service pensioners entitled to pensions adjustable under the head “2071. Pension and Other Retirement Benefits” who have not drawn their pensions for three years and the second part should show the names of service pensioners other than those included in the former part who have not drawn their pensions for more than one year. The reason for the non¬drawal, if known, shall be stated against each name.
(d) When a pension ceases to be payable during the life time of a pensioner both portions of the Pension Payment Order shall be returned by the disbursing officer to the Accountant General after making the last payment and with a note recording the reasons for the cessation of the pension.
𝗤350...When a pension ceases to be payable during the lifetime of a pensioner, the disbursing officer should:
(A) return both halves of the PPO to AG after making the last payment and recording the reasons for the cessation of the pension
(B) retain both halves of the PPO to the AG after making the last payment
(C) return the disburser's half of PPO to the AG after making the last payment
(D) return the pensioner's half of PPO to the pensioner
ANSWER:-(A) return both halves of the PPO to AG after making the last payment and recording the reasons for the cessation of the pension
𝗤351..Service pension payable in India will lapse if it remains undrawn for more than:
(A) One year
(B) Two years
(C) Three years
(D) Five years
𝗤352. What is the time limit prescribed for payment of arrears of pension of a deceased pensioner to his heirs in case there is no nomination for that purpose filed?
(A) One year of the date of death
(B) Two years after the date of death
(C) Six months from the date of death
(D) Three years after the date of death
296. When a pensioner has failed to appear to receive his pension for three months, the disbursing officer should make inquiries through the Village Officer as to the cause of his non-appearance (See also Article 359 of the Kerala Financial Code).
𝗤353.When a pensioner has failed to appear to receive his pension for months the disbursing officer should make enquiries through the village officer?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Twelve
(D) Six
Correct Answer:- Option:(B) Three
B. Political Pensions
297.(a) A pension chargeable under the minor head “Political Pension” under the Major head “2071 or 2075 or 2235, as the case may be” not drawn for six years ceases to be payable without the previous sanction of the Accountant General.
𝗤354..When does a political pension cease to be payable?
(A) Not drawn for one year
(B) Not drawn for three years
(C) Not drawn for five years
(D) Not drawn for six years
ANSWER:- (D) Not drawn for six years
𝗤355..A political pension not drawn for ……………….. Years cease to be payable.
(A) 2 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 4 years
(D) 6 years.
ANSWER:-(D) 6 years.
𝗤356.A pension classified under the minor head "political pension" not drawn for years ceases to be payable without the previous sanction of A.G
(A) three
(B) two
(C) five
(D) six
ANSWER:-(D) six
(b) A similar procedure to that prescribed in clause (c) of Rule 295 should be followed mutatis mutandis in regard to pensions chargeable to the heads mentioned in clause (a) above but the half yearly statement relating to them should show the names of only those pensioners who have not drawn their pensions for six years.
298. A pension shall be payable for the whole of the month in which the pensioner dies, irrespective of the date on which the death takes place. Payment of family pension, if any, in such cases shall commence from the first day of the month following the month in which the death of pensioners takes place.

𝗤357..The family pension of a deceased Govt. Servant will due from the __________ day of the month following the month in which of death of pensioner takes place
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-First
𝗤358. In the case of death of a pensioner the family pension starts:
(A) On getting order from A.G
(B) After sanctioning family pension
(C) Next day of death of pensioner
(D) First Day of next month
ANSWER:-(D) First Day of next month
𝗤359.The Rule dealing with deceased Pensioners is _______
A:-KTC Vol. I Rule 288
B:-KTC Vol. I Rule 298
C:-KTC Vol. I Rule 278
D:-KTC Vol. I Rule 268
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-KTC Vol. I Rule 298
𝗤360.In the case of death of pensioner, the family pension starts:
(A) On getting order from A.G
(B) After sanctioning family pension
(C) Next day of death of pensioner
(D) First day of next month
𝗤361..Family pension is payable only from ......... month in the event of death of service pensioner
(A) succeeding തുടര്ന്നുള്ള
(B) 4th month
(C) same month
(D) 6 month
299. (a) In cases where pension could not be drawn as specified in Sub rule (a) of rule 272 above, and the pensioner dies leaving arrears, the disbursing officer may pay any arrears including commuted value of pension if any, actually due to the nominee or nominees, if the pensioner has filed a nomination as per the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1984 and if he has not filed any such nomination, the arrears including commuted value of pension, if any, due shall be paid to the pensioner’s heir or heirs provided that they apply within one year of the date of death.
[See rule 295 (b) above and rule 138 (a) of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition:)]
If the application is made later, the arrears shall not be paid without obtaining through the Accountant General the previous sanction of the authority which sanctioned the pension [See Rule 138(a) of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition].If, however, the arrear of pension do not exceed #` 75,000 and the case presents no peculiar features, the Accountant General may direct that the arrears be paid on his own authority [See Rule 138 (b) of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition]. • Provided that in cases where the pensioners nominee/nominees or heir/heirs apply for payment of any arrears of pension consequent on any Government Orders for revision of pension or dearness allowance on pension such arrears can subject to the rules relating to such arrear payments be paid in case the applications were preferred before the disbursing officer within a period of three years from the date of issue of such orders. Reference to the Accountant General or the Pension sanctioning authority shall not be required in such cases.
(aa) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Rule (a), where the person eligible to receive family pension dies before receiving the same or family pension for any period remains undrawn at the time of that person’s death, arrears if any, due to such person shall be paid to the next person/ persons eligible to receive family pension and on the death of that person/ persons before receiving the arrears, the arrears shall be paid to the next person/ persons eligible to receive family pension and so on, eligibility to receive the arrears shall be determined with reference to the position existing as on the date on which family pension has originally sanctioned:
Provided that such arrears shall be payable to judicially separated husband/ wife:
Provided further that if there is no person living and entitled to receive the arrears as aforesaid, the arrears due to the original family pensioner shall be paid to his/ her legal heirs, those due to the next family pensioner shall be paid to his/ her legal heirs and so on and if there be no legal heirs for any particular deceased family pensioner, the arrear due in respect of such family pensioner shall be paid to the legal heirs of the other family pensioner in equal shares.
(b) After paying arrears of pension due on account of a deceased pensioner, the disbursing officer shall return both halves of the Pension Payment Order to the Accountant General with a note of the date of the pensioner’s death, except in the case of pensioner’s governed by the Liberalized Family Pension Scheme, in which case the pensioner’s portion of the Pension Payment Order will be returned to the person nominated to receive the family pension and the disburser’s portion retained by the Treasury Officer.
The fact of the death of the pensioner who is governed by the Liberalised Family Pension Scheme and the fact of Payment of Family Pension should be reported to the Accountant General quoting the relevant Pension Payment Order Number as soon as the information is brought to the notice of the treasury.
𝗤362.The fact of payment of family pension should be reported to
A:-Director of treasuries
B:-Finance department
C:-Accountant general
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Accountant general
𝗤363..Every Disbursing Officer of any civil pension shall report the death of a pensioner:
(A) To the head of concerned Department
(B) To the Accountant General
(C) To the Treasury Director
(D) To the Finance Secretary
ANSWER:-(B) To the Accountant General
𝗤364.Life time arrear of pension
(A) 288 to 289 of KTC Vol. 1
(B) 290 to 291 of KTC Vol. 1
(C) 278 to 279 of KTC Vol. I
(D) 299 to 300 of KTC Vol. I
300. (a) **The rule regarding the last payment of pay, etc., to a Government servant (See Rule 212) applies to the payment of arrears of pension, including commuted value of pension to the nominee/nominees of heir/ heirs of a deceased
(i) Arrears of pension due to a deceased pensioner who has filed nomination under the payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1984 shall be paid to the nominee/ nominees irrespective of the amount of arrears on proper identification provided the persons concerned produces necessary death certificate and pensioners half of the Pension Payment Order unless such half is kept by the treasury. The limitation prescribed in sub-rule (b) of Rule 295 shall also apply for payment in such cases.
(ii) A person who claims payment of arrears of pension as heir of a deceased pensioner shall be required to produce the pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order or if no Pension Payment Order has been issued the copy of the order in which sanction to the pension was communicated to the pensioner or his heir. He shall also be required to produce a death certificate regarding the death of the pensioner and sufficient evidence to establish his relationship to the deceased.
(c) When the amount of arrears due to a deceased pensioner does not exceed # ` 75,000, **and if the pensioner has not filed nomination under the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1984, payment may, subject to the provisions of ^Rule 139 of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition and Rule 299 (a) above, be made to the heirs of the deceased on production of an heirship certificate issued by a Tahsildar (under the State Government) in whose jurisdiction the pensioner lived and died or was drawing his pension or in whose jurisdiction the heirs of the deceased live. In that case the disbursing officer need not insist on the production of letters of administration or similar legal authority.
(d) When the amount of arrears due to deceased pensioner exceeds # ` 75,000 and if the pensioner has not filed a nomination under the payment of arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1984, payment to the extent of # ` 75,000 may be made by the disbursing officer as set
forth in sub rule (c) above. The excess over # ` 75,000 should be paid only under the orders of the Government on the execution of an indemnity bond in K.S.R. Form No.8 with sureties of proved financial ability to meet the obligations undertaken, provided that the Government are satisfied as to the claimant’s right and title and consider that undue delay and hardship would be caused by insisting on the production of letters of administration (See **Rule 139 of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, V Edition).
(e) Whenever there is any doubt as to the claimant’s right and title, payment shall be made only to the person producing legal authority.
NOTE— Any person claiming to be a legal heir of a deceased pensioner shall produce or cause to be produced the pensioner’s half of the Pension Payment Order or if no Pension Payment Order has been issued the copy of the order in which sanction to the pension was communicated to the pensioner or his heir at the treasury along with the heirship certificate or letters of administration or other legal authority to prove his title to the arrears. If there are more than one legal heir, the heirship certificate or letters of administration or other legal authority (whichever is produced) shall clearly show the extent of the title of each person (i.e. the share to which each person is entitled) clearly. It shall also contain the personal marks of identification and specimen signatures of the heirs attested by the authority who issued the heirship certificate or other legal authority (in the case of heirs who are literate) or the thumb and finger impressions attested by that authority (in the case of illiterate heirs) with reference to which the Treasury Officer can identify the legal heirs. If such details necessary for identification of the heirs are not furnished in the heirship certificate or other documents produced to prove the title, the person who claims the arrears of pension as heir of the deceased pensioner shall be introduced to the Treasury by a Gazetted Officer or by some other well-known and trustworthy person i.e. he shall produce a specimen of his signature (if literate) or thumb and impression (if illiterate) which is certified by a Gazetted Officer or some other well known and trustworthy person to be the signature or thumb and finger impressions of the person specified in the heirship certificate or other documents.
If the entire amount of arrears is due to one legal heir a claim in the proper form shall be obtained from him and the amount disbursed to him. If the amount of arrears is to be disbursed in parts to two or more persons the full amount of arrears of pension shall be drawn on a simple receipt by the Treasury Officer (bill form No. T.R. 42) and the shares due to the persons present on the day may be disbursed obtaining proper acknowledgments which shall be attached to the vouchers and sent to the Accountant General and the balance shall be kept under Revenue Deposit so that it can be withdrawn and paid as a refund of Revenue Deposit as and when the other heirs claim their shares. A certificate to the effect that the undisbursed balance has been kept under “Revenue Deposit” shall also be furnished by the Treasury Officer in the voucher sent to the Accountant General.
The arrears of pension or any share thereof can be disbursed to a heir by postal money order at the cost of the claimant and at his written request. In that case the signature of the applicant on the requisition shall be attested by a Gazetted Officer or some other well-known and trustworthy person. The maximum limit of ` 200 fixed in Rule 286 (A) for the payment of pension by money order is applicable to this cases.

𝗤365.. In case all the legal heirs of a deceased pensioner fail to be present for receiving their shares on the day fixed by the Treasury Officer, the undisbursed amount will be:
(A) remitted back to the head of account from which it was drawn
(B) kept separately in the cash chest for three months
(C) credited under revenue deposits and shown as refund of RD in case the claimants appear later
(D) sent by postal money orders
ANSWER:-(C) credited under revenue deposits and shown as refund of RD in case the claimants appear later
𝗤366.. Arrear of pension due to a deceased pensioner shall be paid to claimants on :
(A) Succession certificate
(B) Possession certificate
(D) None of the above
301. (a) Every disbursing officer who pays any civil pension shall report promptly to the Accountant General the death of any civil pensioner whose pension he was paying (See also Article 369 of Kerala Financial Code.
(b) Each Treasury or Sub Treasury Officer shall send to the Accountant General annually on the 1st December, a list of all retired Gazetted Government servants who were drawing their pensions from the treasury or sub treasury and whose deaths have come to his notice during the preceding year.
𝗤367.The list shall give the following information:
(1) Name
(2) Service or appointment
(3) Date of death
(4) Honours and distinctions, if any, held by the deceased.
𝗤368.Which of the following statements is correct?
A:-on expiry of the specified period commuted value of pension is restored by pension sanctioning authority
B:-on expiry of the specified period commuted value of pension is restored by Accountant General
C:-on expiry of the specified period commuted value of pension is restored by Trea-
sury Officer after obtaining AG’s sanction
D:-on expiry of the specified period commuted value of pension is restored by Treasury Officer without obtaining AG’s authorisation
Correct Answer:- Option D:--on expiry of the specified period commuted value of pension is restored by Treasury Officer without obtaining AG’s authorisation
301A. (a) Arrears of pension due to a deceased pensioner shall be paid in the case of Political, Malikhana and Revenue Pensioners also. But payment in such cases shall be made to the claimants only on production of a succession certificate from the authority who sanctioned the pension to the effect that the arrears may be paid to him.
(b) The authority who issues the succession certificate mentioned in para (a) above shall do so only after enquiring into in detail the right of the claimant for succession to the family right or sthanam and other relevant aspects. If there are more than one claimant, the names of the persons and the share of the amount to which each is entitled shall be specified in the certificate.
(c) The provisions contained in Rule 299 (a) and (b) shall be applicable in the case of Political, Malikhana and Revenue Pensioners also.
302. [Deleted]
303. (a) The Treasury Officer shall not pay any gratuity except on an authority received from the Accountant General, to whom, under Rule 152 of Part III of the Kerala Service Rules the sanction is communicated by the sanctioning authority or by another Audit Officer. The payment can be claimed on the letter of authority itself and no separate bill is necessary in such cases.

𝗤369..The treasury officer shall not pay any gratuity on an authority received from ___________
A:-Director of treasuries
B:-Accountant General
C:-Finance Department
D:-None of these
ANSWER:-(B):-Accountant General
𝗤370.The Treasury officer shall not pay any gratuity except on an authority received from the:
(A) Finance Department
(B) Accountant General
(C) Pension Sanctioning Authority
(D) Director of Treasuries
ANSWER:-(B) Accountant General
𝗤371.For claiming payment of DCRG, what is the form in which the claim is to be made by the Government servant concerned?
(A) Miscellaneous bill form
(B) Salary bill form
(C) Payment is made by the Treasury Officer on the letter of authority issued by the AG and no separate bill is necessary in such cases
(D) Pension bill form
𝗤372. In which form of bill DCRG authorised by AG is to be claimed from Treasury?
(A) Form TR 108
(B) Form TR 103
(C) No separate bill is prescribed. It can be claimed on the letter of authority itself
(D) None of the above
(b) (i) When at the option of the gratuitant, the gratuity is drawn by the head of an office for disbursement, he shall furnish to the Accountant General within a month of the date of drawal, a certificate of disbursement.
(ii) At the option of the gratuitant, the gratuity may be drawn by the head of an office and the full amount or a part thereof, may be adjusted against the dues payable by the gratuitant. In such cases, the details of adjustment shall be certified by the disbursing officer within one month from the date of drawal, to the Accountant General with receipts and vouchers wherever possible. If only a part of the amount is adjusted and the balance paid in case to the gratuitant, the certificate of disbursement shall be forwarded, as mentioned in sub-rule (i) above, over and above the certificate of adjustment.

𝗤373. What are the documents to be produced at a Treasury by a person claiming arrears of pension as heir of a deceased pensioner?
(A) Death certificate of the pensioner
(B) Documents to prove that he is entitled to receive the arrears
(C) Nomination of the pensioner
(D) Pensioner's half of PPO, death certificate from the prescribed authority and sufficient evidence to prove his entitlement
(c) If a gratuity remains undrawn for more than twelve months, the payment order shall be returned to the Accountant General, mentioning the cause, if known, of the non-appearance of the person entitled to the gratuity.
𝗤374. In which case a payment of gratuity order issued by the AG in favour of a retired Government servant is returned to him(AG) (not as a voucher)?
(A) If the amount authorized remains undrawn for more than an year
(B) If the amount authorized is not drawn for more than three years
(C) If not drawn for more than two years
(D) If not drawn for more than six months
𝗤375. A bill for drawing gratuity is in Form TR 107. The related rule is:
(A) Rule 304
(B) Rule 301A
(C) Rule 303
(D) Rule 305
answer:-(C) Rule 303
304. The Government will, while sanctioning a gratuity, communicate such order to the officer submitting the gratuity application who should promptly communicate the sanction to the gratuitant by furnishing him with a copy of the said order and direct him to apply in person to the treasury at which the payment of the gratuity is desired. The Accountant General will separately issue, to the treasury concerned, a letter of authority to pay in which particulars required for identifying the gratuitant will be furnished. On the identification being established and on the gratuitant producing his personal copy of the letter of the Accountant General to the Treasury Officer authorising payment of the gratuity payment shall be made to him or if the gratuitant is dead at the time of payment, upon the receipt of the person legally entitled to receive the gratuity:
Provided that the payment of gratuity may be made, without the personal appearance of the gratuitant through an authorised agent, including a bank, who shall be required to give the Government, separately in respect of each payment, a Bond of Indemnity, which shall be duly stamped, in the following form:—
In consideration of our being authorised to draw the gratuity …………………………………(name of the gratuitant)in accordance with gratuity payment order No………………dated …………………..issued by the Accountant General..........……………….we, the……………… (name of the bank or agent) hereby engage to refund to the Government of Kerala on demand, any overpayment that may be made to us on this account.
The payment can be claimed on the letter of authority issued by the Accountant General and no separate bill is necessary in such cases.
305. (a) Service Pensions.—(i) The amount payable in commutation of a civil pension under the Kerala Pensions (Commutation) Rules is payable at the treasury at which the pension is being, or is to be drawn.
𝗤376. Commutation of service pension is mentioned in which of the following sections of Kerala Treasury Code Vol. I
Correct Answer:- Option:-:-305(a)
𝗤376A.Commuted value of a civil pension is payable to the pensioner at:
(A) the treasury at which the pension is being or is to be drawn
(B) the treasury where he was drawing salary before retirement
(C) any Sub Treasury of the State
(D) any District Treasury as desired by the pensioner
(ii) When a portion only of a civil pension is commuted, the amount of the unreduced pension due upto the day preceding that on which the commutation takes effect, shall be paid along with the commuted value of the portion commuted.
The above rule applies to the amount payable in commutation of a civil pension under the Madras Civil Pensions (Commutation) Rules also.
(b) Revenue Pensions.—When a revenue pension is capitalized and paid off, the pensioner shall be paid his or her pension upto the date of payment of the commuted value. If in any case the commuted value is not paid to the pensioner before he or she attains the age next birthday, or if the rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund, etc., adopted for purposes of calculating the commuted value is varied before the commuted value is paid to the pensioner, the amount of the commuted value shall be revised. Commutation shall invariably become absolute on the date of payment of the commuted value.
𝗤377. Commutation of pension shall invariably become absolute:
(A) On the date of payment of commuted value
(B) 3 days before the payment of commuted value
(C) Next day of payment of commuted value
(D) None of the above
(c) Political Pensions.—The provisions of rule (a) should be followed, mutatis mutandis, in regard to political pension also.
305A(i) Medical Allowance to Pensioners.—All State Service Pensioners who have completed the age of 65 years shall be paid a medical allowance at the rate as is ordered by the Government from time to time. The allowance shall be paid from the first of the month in which the Pensioner completes the age of 65 years by the District Treasury Officer/Sub Treasury Officer based on the details regarding date of birth furnished in the Pension Payments Order and necessary entries thereof made in both halves of Pension Payment Orders.
(ii) The Medical Allowance shall be drawn alongwith regular pension bill for each month. In the bill form and other records of the treasury Medical Allowance shall be indicated separately. If in any case the date of birth of the pensioner is not available in the Pension Payment Order, the Treasury Officer shall gather the details from the Accountant General. If the Accountant General’s records are not helpful to intimate the date of birth of the pensioner, an affidavit filed by the Pensioner duly attested by a Magistrate or certified by two gazetted officers shall be accepted by the Treasury as proof of age.
*This amendment shall come into force with effect from 1st July, 1988
Special Instructions to the Treasury Officers
306. (a) (1) A Treasury Officer should not refuse to pay a bill merely on the ground that the drawing officer has not complied with the financial rule requiring that the particulars of the order sanctioning a charge of a certain kind should be quoted on the bill [See Rule 163 (i)]. If the drawing officer fails to obtain sanction before incurring a charge when the rules require him to obtain sanction, he alone is responsible.
(2) When the Government sanction a grant-in-aid to a local body or a private institution, etc., or a contribution towards the cost of a public exhibition of fair or compensation to a Government servant for accidental loss, etc., the Treasury Officer shall not pass the claim for payment unless the claim is drawn and countersigned by the departmental officer who has been authorised to draw a countersign the bill in Form T.R. 108. The departmental officer shall attach to the bill a certified copy of the Government sanction. When an authority subordinate to the Government sanctions any such expenditure under the powers delegated to it by the Government, the Treasury Officer should disburse the amount on the authority of the order according sanction. Before making payment, the Treasury Officer should verify the signature or countersignature of the departmental officer with the specimen already available with him.
𝗤378. Grant-in-aid bill is prepared in :
(A) TR95
(B) TR96
(C) TR 101
(D) TR 108
(3) (i) Advances from General and other Provident Funds if permissible under the rules of the fund, may be drawn by gazetted government servants in the form of bill prescribed in the General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules, the bill being supported by a duly certified copy of the order sanctioning the advance. In the case of non-gazetted government servants the advance, if admissible, be drawn in the form of bill prescribed in the General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules the bill being supported by a copy of the sanction duly attested by the head of the office. Payments may be made by the Treasury Officer on the authority and responsibility of the officer sanctioning the advance without the previous authority of the Accountant General, provided that the bill is supported by the certificates appended to the prescribed form of the General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules.
(ii) Withdrawals from the fund, when permissible under the rules of the fund, to meet payments towards policies of Life Insurance may be made in the same form as and when required, in a similar manner and under similar conditions. The particulars of the policy or policies on which premia are to be paid shall be noted on the bill. The bill in which the first withdrawal for payment of a premium is made shall contain the certificate that the details of the policy have been communicated to and accepted by the Accountant General.
(iii) Save as provided above, no payment on account of any Provident Fund, whether as a refund of subscription or as a repayment of the whole or part of the amount accumulated at credit of a subscriber can be made without the express authority of the Accountant General.
(iv) *When the final payment of the balance at the credit of a subscriber (other than Class IV government servant) to a Provident Fund is to be made outside the jurisdiction of the Accountant General who maintains Provident Fund Account of the subscriber that Accountant General shall make payment to the payee by a crossed bank draft. For this purpose the Accountant General will intimate the amount payable to the payee, and also send a form of receipt to be filled in by him which is given below. On return of the form of receipt duly signed by the payee, a bank draft shall be purchased by the Accountant General and sent to the payee by registered post.
Received payment of `………… (Rupees……………….. only) being the accumulation in my …………………... Provident Fund Account
Please pay by bank draft.
𝗤379. Is it necessary to obtain authority of A.G for payment of an advance from the General Provident Fund, both for gazetted and non-gazetted staff?
(A) Authority is necessary only for Gazetted officers
(B) Payment may be made by the Treasury Officer on the authority and responsibility of the officer sanctioning the advance, without authority of AG, provided the bill is supported by prescribed certificate and copy of sanction of the advance
(C) For both Gazetted and non-gazetted, authority of AG is necessary
(D) In all such cases, sanction of Head of Department is necessary for payment at the Treasury
(b) A Treasury Officer should not undertake on behalf of the claimant any correspondence with any authority in regard to a claim which he considers to be disputable. When he is doubtful whether a claim should be paid or not, he should take the orders of the **Director of Treasuries who is in general charge of the treasury. When such a case is referred to the **Director of Treasuries he may in his discretion authorize the payment if he is satisfied as to the validity of the claim after careful examination of all the circumstances of the case. Whenever the **Director of Treasuries authorizes payment of a claim referred to him by the Treasury Officer as being a doubtful claim, he should immediately report the facts to the Accountant General.
𝗤379A. .A claim which is considered by Treasury Officer as disputable can be paid :
(A) on getting an express order for payment from the AG
(B) if sufficient funds are available under the head of account concerned
(C) if the claimant persists for payment
(D) after obtaining an undertaking from the claimant for refund, found to be inadmissible later
Correct Answer:-Option-A
307. When the Collector is absent on tour from headquarters or is incapacitated, the headquarters Sub Collector or the Divisional Officer or any other gazetted officer performing the duties of the Collector may exercise the powers specified in Rule 23, when money is very urgently required for expenditure connected with defence or other emergent purposes. If no such officer is on the spot, the Treasury Officer himself may make such payment.
** According to G.O. (P) 141/81/Fin., dated 25th February, 1981 the word “Collector” is changed to “Director of Treasuries”..

𝗤380. .Rules in KTC empowers a Collector to issue authorization to a Treasury Officer to make a payment under special circumstances. In the absence of the Collector, any of the officers authorized to perform duties of the Collector may so authorize. If no such officer is on the spot, who else may make such authorization under the rules?
(A) Director of Treasuries
(B) Finance Secretary
(C) Treasury officer himself
(D) None of these
𝗤381. .A valid voucher should have:
(A) a distinct pay order
(B) pay order specifying the amount payable both in figures and words
(C) dated signature of the authorised Disbursing Officer by hand and in ink
(D) All the three above
ANSWER:- (A) a distinct pay order
When the Government sanction a grant-in-aid to a private institution, the Treasury Officer shall not pass the claim for payment, unless:
ReplyDelete(A) the claim is drawn and countersigned by the authorized departmental officer
(B) a certified copy of the sanction is attached with the bill (C) the Treasury Officer verifies the signature/countersignature with the specimen
available in the treasury
(D) only if all the conditioned mentioned above are satisfied
Correct Answer-Option:(D) only if all the conditioned mentioned above are satisfied
RULE 306
Arrears of pension due on account of a deceased pensioner shall cease to be payable if they are not claimed within ...... ..........from the date of death of the pensioner.
ReplyDelete(A) six months
(B) one year
(C) eighteen months
(D) two years
Correct Answer- Option:(B) one year
RULE 295
A pension classified under the minor head "political pension" not drawn for............... years ceases to be payable without the previous sanction of A.G.
ReplyDelete(A) three
(B) two
(C) five
D) six
Correct Answer- Option:(D) six
RULE 297
In case all the legal heirs of a deceased pensioner fail to be present for - receiving their shares on the day fixed by the Treasury Officer, the undisbursed amount will be:
ReplyDelete(A) remitted back to the head of account from which it was drawn
(B) kept separately in the cash chest for three months
(C) credited under revenue deposits and shown as refund of (D in case the claimants appear later
(D) sent by postal money orders
Correct Answer- Option:(C) credited under revenue deposits and shown as refund of (D in case the claimants appear later
RULE 300
After the receipt of the PPO in the Treasury, the concerned pensioner is to be identified for the first time by the Treasury Officer:
ReplyDelete(A) with the details available in the PPO
( B) from the personal marks with those recorded in the disbursers' half of the PPO.
(C) with the photo affixed in the PPO
(D) with the copy of the letter of the AG forwarding PPO to the Treasury Officer and all the points mentioned above
Correct Answer- Option: (D) with the copy of the letter of the AG forwarding PPO to the Treasury Officer and all the points mentioned above
RULE 274
When a pension ceases to be payable during the life time of a pensioner, the
ReplyDeletedisbursing officer should:
(A) return both halves of the PPO, to AG after making the last payment and recording the reasons for the cessation of pension
(B) retain both halves of the PPO in the Treasury
(C) return the disburser's half of PPO to the AG after making the last payment
(D) return the pensioner's half of the PPO to the pensioner
Correct Answer-Option: (A) return both halves of the PPO, to AG after making the last payment and recording the reasons for the cessation of pension
If the pensioner appears after three years, the payment order can be renewed by
ReplyDeleteA:-The Accountant General
B:-Government only
C:-The Disbursing Officer
D:-Can not be renewed
Correct Answer:- Option-C
[rule 286(vii)]
The Treasury Rules of each State Govt. is issued under article _______ of the constitution.
ReplyDeleteA:-Article 282
B:-Article 283
C:-Article 284
D:-Article 285
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Article 283
A pensioner who claims pension through a messenger should furnish a life certificate in the pension bill
ReplyDeleteA:-Rule 280 of KTC Vol I
B:-Rule 167 of KTC Vol I
C:-Rule 286 of KTC Vol I
D:-Rule 276 of KTC Vol I
Correct Answer:- Option- D:-Rule 276 of KTC Vol I
The Rule dealing with deceased Pensioners is _______
ReplyDeleteA:-KTC Vol. I Rule 288
B:-KTC Vol. I Rule 298
C:-KTC Vol. I Rule 278
D:-KTC Vol. I Rule 268
Correct Answer:- Option- B:-KTC Vol. I Rule 298
Pension payment order in Rule
ReplyDeleteA:-274 KTC Vol. 1
B:-273 KTC Vol. 1
C:-272 KTC Vol. 1
D:-275 KTC Vol. 1
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-272 KTC Vol. 1
As per Rule 280 of KTC Vol 1 __________ will be insisted from the pensioner who receive monthly pension through an agent or bank who
ReplyDeleteexecuted Indemnity Bond.
A:-No Objection Certificate
B:-Last pay Certificate
C:-One and same Certificate
D:-Life Certificate
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Rule 287 of KTC Vol 1 relates to
ReplyDeleteA:-Repayment of deposit
D:-Duplicate key
Correct Answer:- Option-B